How to Get More Clients for Your Business

In our last blog post, we explored how email marketing is far from dead, sharing best practices to ensure your email list doesn’t become a dwelling place for crickets.


You might now be wondering: how do you attract more clients online during a dry spell?


As a business or brand owner, it’s crucial to understand that customer droughts happen from time to time.


For small business owners or those managing personal brands, there are seasons when finding even one client feels like an uphill battle. It can be disheartening to face such times.


Perhaps you’ve sent out emails to leads, but after a week or two, your inbox echoes with silence. Where are the clients? How can you entice them to engage with your business?


Here are some types of emails you can send during your client drought season to reignite interest and attract new business:


 Follow-up emails to Previous Clients


These emails are tailored to reconnect with former clients and cold leads. Let them know you enjoyed working with them and are eager to add them to your project list again. Highlight the improvements you’ve made in your services and explain why they need you now more than ever.


Cold Emails to Prospective Clients


When it comes to cold emailing, persistence is key. Don’t expect miracles after sending just ten emails. Identify potential clients who align with the pain points you address, and reach out to them. Explain why they need your services. Make sure to offer free consultations or schedule calls in your emails, as this provides an opportunity to upsell to your prospects. Wondering how to gather emails? Numerous tools are available.


You can scrape LinkedIn, use paid email-scraping tools, and tailor your searches to specific industries or companies you wish to target. This article might help explain more.


Emails to High-Value Friends


If you don’t have high-value or high-class friends, what have you been doing with your life? High class doesn’t necessarily mean wealth; it means friends with a rich network. These are the friends who can act as lifelines during your client drought. Pitch your product or service to them and ask them to share your portfolio or offer with anyone in their network who might need it.


If you have high-value friends, sending your pitch to just three or four of them could quickly result in a referral.


 Emails to Current Clients


While you have current clients, it’s essential to think ahead. Always deliver quality and excellent service. That way, you can ask for a shoutout or a recommendation on your LinkedIn or social media pages. You can also request them to refer you to their network.


In the end, while you can run ads and attract clients online during a drought, nothing beats having a strong network and knowing how to write compelling emails and messages that showcase your experience and expertise.

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